Currently running MSE due to issues i have had with Avast and Secondlife Search, gonna attempt to remove MSE completely tomorrow, install the updated viewer for SL, then install Avast 7, and hopefully when i’m done with all that, SL Search and video playback works in Secondlfie correctly after that.
Is there specific way to uninstall MSE from WIndows 7 64bit, or just removal from add/remove programs, restart, remove all the directories to it, use cccleaner to clean registry, restart again, put in SL updated viewer, then Avast 7 free, restart, and pray all works right
i would stick with mse till the avast team has worked out the bugs in avast 7, as you can see, people are having way too many problems with avast 7 , but its up to you ,
Yeah i may wait a bit til next program update i suppose, thankfully not having issues on the 2 laptops with Avast, but don’t really need to spend time trouble shooting issues either.
Even though I had issues with Avast 7, I had to do a complete removal with Avast’s utility tool and and a fresh reinstall to get it working again. If your time is limited to do computer stuff, as much as I like Avast, and prefer it over MSE. I would also stick with MSE until the next Avast build or two comes out. I’d wait another 1-2 months, especially if MSE is working well for you.
Yeah no problems at all with current security product, all system and program functions are working well. so no real immediate emergency to change, and time is kinda limited, with other things going on.
but i do still prefer Avast over MSE thus far, but can live with this til Avast 7 is more stable, and less problems
it is better to wait for at least the next updated version to come out. the new features, i.e. filerep, autosandbox still needs more fine tuning as it is just released to the whole Avast! community. since u already had problems with the released version 7, it might not been solved yet (the weekends just over)
When you want to uninstall, use “Add/Remove Programs”, and then look at the respective removal utility for your old security tool at : so to also get rid of possible remnants.