I’ve got 4 devices on my account- 2 phones and 2 tablets. The 2 phones work fine with SMS lock texts, but none of the 4 will work in wifi. I use a battery saver (Deep Sleep Battery Saver Pro) that shuts off the wifi signal to turn on only during specified time periods, which causes the wifi to turn off, and when I send a lock command, the Avast website comes back with “command timed out”.
The battery saver has made a huge difference in my battery life, so I do not want to part with it. However, I really would like to be able to remote lock, etc. my tablets. So is there any way to send an sms-type command to the tablet to “wake” it up to lock, etc.? Or any other options you can think of besides disabling the battery saver?
Thanks for the reply Werner. I already am locking my phones that way, as they can receive SMS messages. Avast works ok with them because they are not relying on wifi to reach the internet. The problem I’m having is with my tablets, that are wifi only, and don’t have a direct phone # to sms too. What is happening is that the battery savers is turning wifi off, and there is no way to “push” to the tablet through wifi off.
So, is there a way to get a phone # for the tablet, or push it somehow, or…? I really like the battery saver- I’ve done extensive testing on it, and it adds at least 50-100% more battery life. Of course I really like Avast too- so I really would like to get both to play nice together…
Hello, I have a Nexus 4 Android 4.2.2 rooted phone with anti theft & mobile security installed.
Also I have noticed that practically all commands made from the web interface time out.
Whenever the phone is not fully awake (=screen on), any command will fail. In that case only SMS command will work. So in practice only SMS commands are possible atm.
There is no energy saving software installed, actually the phone comes pretty much out of the box and has only avast, a calendar widget and whatsapp installed.
It would be great to have anti-theft also be operating in sleep mode like the email client or whatsapp & Co., so that the phone can be reached when it’s stolen
Yes, you can always reach the phone via SMS - as long as its turned on obviously…
… BUT SMS send from a public phone or a nice random person willing to send those lock messages for you will fail their goal. The messages coming back will be either lost or with the wrong person!
Information gathered in these first minutes should be also send to the server, I would even say MUST be sent to the server as well, so that at a Police station you can show something and not say that there might be some sms sent to a public phone or to a random person that helped you. One thing needs to be clear, in a real theft situation obviously your phone is stolen and you can’t receive sms. Before you are at home you won’t be able to do much. But bad luck, when you are at home, you won’t see anything because the sms have been send to a place where they can not be retrieved in most practical cases. Even if a friend sends an sms for you and saves the received sms, the location data received as sms are not so easy to port on a computer…
So I think there is quite some potential improvement possible here to make this app a really helpful thing in case of a real incident
For now as playing gadget in a “play situation” I already find it cool, everything works fine as long as the phone is fully turned on