Communication Webportal Device

at first thank you for this nice piece of software!
But I have a few questions…
I want to ask how the communication between the web portal and the mobile device works. Is it only working when the device has an internet connection, so that the portal contacts via internet the mobile device and the device answers via internet and there will be no costs for SMS? How do the portal knows the IP of the device? How often does the device send his IP to the web portal?

Internetconnection at first, then SMS i believe.

The portal doesnt know bout any IP. Its what AT reports by a ping (i think)

Öhm, when I want to locate my phone from the webfrontend, the webportal has to send the request to my device.
If this works via an internet connection, the webportal has to know the IP of my device! There is no other way to reach my device. The only other possibility is that the Webportal sends an SMS to my device and than my phone sends his position via internet to the avast server. But is avast really sending SMS to my phone? This is expensive for you!
So I think that AT is sending my IP to the avast server, but how often, everytime I connect my phone to the internet?

Setting up an SMS Server isnt too hard and pretty cheap(?)

Since AT communicates with the webportal about status (defnitions etc) it could also report the IP…