Compability with HIPS products?

What about if you run the new Avast 6 with a firewall with HIPS like privatefirewall or Online Armor. Could there be any conflicts?

Yes…the behavior blocker conflicts with outpost firewall for one.If you upgrade or install avast 6 with outpost already installed you may lose outpost tray icon and ability to open it.You can either not install the behavior blocker ,or disable the option “monitor the system for unauthorized modifications.”.
I would guess you will have problems with OA.,but not sure about PFW.I wish i had more info on how good the behavior blocker is.If its very good (as good as the hips programes you mention)then maybe users could make a more informed choice.

More than likely you will get problems with OA and behaviour blocker.I dont know about PFW.

I am using Avast 6 since first beta with Outpost Firewall free installed, and I never noticed any conflicts. Of course Outpost HIPS is on and avast behavior shield i s also turned on.

Works with my version of Comodo’s D+…

So far working well with D+ and Winpatrol plus here

(however I can’t say the same for the latest Winpatrol version and D+ working together in w7 64bit Winpatrol kept stopping and I think a clash with D+ was the cause. D+ now diabled and Winpatrol fine)

I should have eloborated as i use outpost pro and w764bit with AIS.Im not sure what difference there are between the free and pro outpost.Apologies.

I just installed privatefirewall 7 after dumping PC Tools Firewall 7 and have had no issues, although I have the process monitor turned off in it. I was running with it enabled and had no issues I just don’t need it.

I should have eloborated as i use outpost pro and w764bit with AIS.Im not sure what difference there are between the free and pro outpost.Apologies.

Using two firewalls at the same time definitely won’t produce any good results. Either use just AV instead of AIS or uninstall Outpost FW.

I dont use two.I dont have the avast firewall installed. :wink:

Crystal balls are somewhat lacking these days. ::slight_smile:

I’m using winpatrol free edition and PrivateFirewall with no problems now…rm

Assuming aparently isnt though ;D

Using CISver5 in Windows 7 x32 with AIS ver5.1.889 (firewall not installed) + SBIE(paid) no issues watsoever.

AvastFree + OA Premium + PrevxSOL(SOL-off --exclusions for OA Premium folders) in XP SP3 machine also no issues.

Used Outpost Pro ver7 (HIPS on) + AvastPro + SBIE(paid) + MalwarebytesPro(on-demand) without issues also (except that Outpost WebControl disabled).

It will work with CIS but you will need to add the avast folder in CIS —> Defense+ —> Defense+ Settings —> Execution control Settings —> Detect shellcode injections (i.e. Buffer overflow protection) —> Exclusions —> Add —> Browse… in order to prevent unknown problems and conflicts.

If you need help things regarding CIS please visit in oder to get the best help.


I don’t have any problems using Avast Free, OA Premium, Prevx with SOL - all 3 have behavior shields but I also have them as trusted exclusions in each software. I keep all shields on in each software and never had a conflict.