Comparison of Avast Free vs. Paid Versions: Is the Upgrade Worth It?

I’ve been using Avast Free Antivirus for a while now, and it has served me well for basic virus protection. However, I’m considering upgrading to one of the paid plans, but I’m unsure if it’s truly worth the cost.

Some of the premium features like advanced ransomware protection, a built-in VPN, and the firewall seem appealing. But I’m wondering:

For those who have upgraded, what’s been your experience? Have these features made a noticeable difference in your cybersecurity or overall experience?
Are there specific features in the paid version you feel are game-changers?
On the other hand, are there any free alternatives or tools that cover the same ground as Avast Premium?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences to help me (and others in the community) make an informed decision. Thanks in advance!