Comparison of Avast with Antivir PE

I have make a little comparison of the two free antivirus. The funcionality is the better side of Avast and for detection the level is the same of Antivir. The system is not slow down from Avast or Antivir. (good!!!)
The only “dark side” of Antivir is a strange port… it open a local port that the antivirus use for comunicate with all the component… I don’t see anything of similar in Avast… Is possible that Antivir contains a sort of spyware? Or a remote control?
In conclusion Avast is better for a more versatile configuration but it don’t detect two virus/dialer that Antivir detect into two web site that a person has indicate to me…is normal?

No no, AntiVir DEFINITELY contains no spyware. Its just that the authors of AntiVir make it perform some kind of loopback to local host for some reason. This is internal traffic, but makes a lot of people think: why is there traffic (systray indicator of the firewall)
Nothing to worry about, but strange…

I hope that is not spyware…because in some old computer many people use this AV, and I hope it don’t contain spyware… Into a P2 with 128MB Avast is too heavy :frowning:
I have supposed that this port can be used for remote control… is possibile? Not a real spyware.

avast! is using DCOM while H+BEDV team decided to use TCP method to communicate with its components. If you check their data route you’ll see it’s not going out of (localhost).

Ah ok, and what is the better method? DCOM or via TCP?

I’d say DCOM because TCP can cause problems with firewalls and so on. Also confuses users like you :wink:

Exactly :smiley: When I tested Avast vs Antivr and I have see this… The result is confusion :smiley:

And for the 2 virus/dialer that Antivir have correctly detected and Avast not? There is the possibility to segnalate? I don’t have the file, but only the web site.

Submit the URL or files to Alwil team for inspection and they’ll add it to VPS if they found it to be malware.

I will ask to my friend the exact web site… :wink:

I think it is to populer to contain spyware, or if it contains spyware it would not be as populer as it is now.

AntiVir contains no spyware & is nonetheless a good free AV…

but not as “perfect” (huh, there’s nothing called "perfect"in this world…) as avast! is doing.

:slight_smile: Since I have used’s “DCOMbomulator” to “disable”
the DCOM on my machine, what sort of problem(s), if any,
would I experienced if I downloaded & installed Avast-
“Home” edition ?

That DCOM is not related to DCOM used by avast!.