Compatability of Avast Free Antivirus with PC Tools Firewall Plus

I am currently trying the free version of Avast Antivirus with PC Tools Firewall Plus. In the past I had tried Avast with Zonealarm’s free firewall, and I noticed a significant lag in my internet browsing speed. So far, I haven’t noticed such with PC Tools. But I’ve only had the combination installed on my machine about an hour.

I’m just wondering, from your experience, do these two products work well together? Is there anything I need to do to the configuration of either to allow them to work together more smoothly?

Thanks in advance!

Concernig the feedback given from many different users in the forum over the last months, it should work without any major problems… So, it seems to be a good choice…! :smiley:

Its fine.

PC Tools Firewall + Avast Free 5.0.462 is 99.99% compatible. :wink:

Im using Windows 7 and XP for that combo.

Since the OP mentions PC Tools Firewall Plus, which as far as I’m aware comes with an anti-virus.

If this is the case then yes, there could be conflict issues (rather than compatibility) as two resident AVs shouldn’t be installed at the same time. Whilst the PC Tools Firewall is fine with avast 5.0 just ensure you do a custom install and don’t install the AV element or better still just use the stand alone PC Tools Firewall.

No, it doesn’t…

Thanks, everyone, for your input. I’m just running the stand-alone firewall, which doesn’t include the antivirus, so I should be good to go!

Thanks, I just wonder when applications have Plus behind them, plus what is my way of thinking ;D

I’ve tried it and it really no problems, works very well in my PC :slight_smile:

And by the way, don’t activate COMODO’s AV, just use its firewall and it should work well

Comodo ??? The thread is about PC Tools Firewall… :wink:

Im running pc tools firewall plus with avast 5 free with no problems so far.

I figured it was time to drop the windows firewall and get something with outbound protection. So i put in pc tools firewall plus two weeks ago in both my laptops.

and DavidR is partially correct asyn,

when your running the setup wizard it does try to get you to download spyware doctor along with the free firewall. You have to uncheck the box. So his point was legit~grins~


ad 1. Good choice… :slight_smile:
ad 2. Almost any installer nowadays wants you to install something else, you wouldn’t really need. (eg. some kind of toolbar…) That doesn’t mean it’s part of the software package. ::slight_smile:

Well, I’ve dropped PC Tools Firewall and am running the Vista Firewall along with Windows 7 Firewall Control free. Seems to be working even better/faster than before, for what it’s worth.