I just purchased Avast Pro for use on my WinXP Pro server (file, web and email servers) at home. I am a fairly demanding user, and as my rash of postings will attest, I’ve experienced a number of irritating bugs, inconsistencies and blemishes to be worked out in and between the interfaces. :-\
However, the selection of scanners, the configurability, and the speed of the engine itself are superb. My compliments on these things to the Avast developers.
I have used Norton AV 2000, 2001 and 2002. A full backup of my home network with NAV installed on the systems used to take 15 hours, and a weekly incremental would take 3 hours. Since Avast adds a LOT less overhead to filesystem operations, my backup time has been reduced by over 50%. ;D
the selection of scanners, the configurability, and the speed of the engine itself are superb. My compliments on these things to the Avast developers.
ah yes the only other AV that is more configurable than avast is F-secure but with 3 engines scanning speed is very slow. I use it as a back up scanner