Computer does not boot after newest Avast update


I received an update notification last night, and updated Avast. It says my PC needs to be restarted to complete the update, do you want to restart? It says that with every update, so I thought nothing of it and clicked Yes.

Since last night, and this morning, my PC has never been able to restart. I get the Gigabtye Motherboard screen, and it just stops there. I tried restarting while tapping F12, and I can’t even access the boot menu or go into safe mode. It just freezes as soon as the cpu turns on, and never goes past the MB screen.

This has never happened to any computer I’ve ever owned, and it only started when I updated avast last night. I seriously doubt it’s a hardware issue, since my PC is new and was working completely fine until I updated Avast.

Is anyone else having this issue, and more importantly, how can fix it?


I’ve only once had something very similar to this happen - and it did turn out to be a hardware issue (catastophically failed RAM module).

It’s a bit of a coincidence that you’d just updated - but I guess something or other updates every week or so on my PC, so maybe not implausible?

(Sorry I can’t be more help - but this will at least put you back to the top of the posts list and maybe attract someone more knowledgeable to take an interest!)

Thanks for the reply. How did you fix the issue, just swap out the RAM?

Not Avast fault for sure. At than point (POST screen) avast is not running at all. For starters, you could try to clear CMOS (see the MB manual for instructions) and then run a memtest if you are at least able to get past POST.

I had an issue with a new Gigabyte MB failing to boot and it turned out to be a USB peripheral. I had to disable something in the BIOS to get the board to boot with the USB device plugged in. I’m not at home currently, so I can’t check the setting. If you plugged in any new hardware, you could try unplugging it to see if it will boot.

I had two RAM modules installed. I diagnosed the fault by removing them one at a time. With the failed one out, the computer booted and ran (slowly). With the the good one out it wouldn’t boot.

If it stops at motherboard logo, it’s certainly not avast!'s fault, because at that point, no software is loaded. It just seems to be a bad timing for hardware issue to come up.

See if the BIOS gives you any error message to work with…
Look at the BIOS vendors page to lookup any solution. (What does the error mean or to what component does it relate…? Maybe there’s a download for updating or something else…)

Thanks for the all the info guys. How do I get to the BIOS and CMOS? It just freezes at the mobo screen and doesn’t load anything. Is there a work around?

Mag, I will swap out the ram and see if that works. Fingers crossed.

Its very obvious the issue in hardware.

Try replugging memory card and video card.

Use blower to clean the dust.

might sound stupid but your MB might refuse to boot your system if your CPU fan is dead :wink: check that before swapping anything else.

edit: for clearing CMOS that’s either a jumper or a switch (or remove the bios battery >>> and put it back in ;D )

Good luck…!! Hardware issues are not easy to fix, sometimes…

Does it actually get past POST (Power On Self Test)? What is the last thing it says before it freezes? I would recommend going into BIOS (usually F1 or F2 to get into it, just hit that key a lot til you get in) and turning off the motherboard screen and making it actually show you the POST so you can see error messages and what’s going on.

I would take out and re-seat all of your hardware. PCI cards, videocard, processor and heat sink (make sure to use rubbing alcohol to wipe the thermal paste off and MAKE SURE YOU REAPPLY NEW PASTE), and RAM. Do the processor last as it’s the most annoying one (and if you aren’t very computer savvy you may not want to remove your heatsink). Check that all power connectors are in the motherboard tight. Make sure that there aren’t any loose cables at all. Make sure all your fans (especially the one on the heat sink for the processor) are spinning and plugged in.

That’s the first step. If that doesn’t fix it. Try booting with one RAM stick at a time. If only one of them freezes you, you’ve found your bad RAM stick.

If you still can’t find the problem, try swapping in known good parts. It could possibly be a bad processor or motherboard too.

Or bad power supply… I’d actually start there if clearing CMOS doesn’t get you past POST.

Always start there…

this was it. one of my external harddrives is dying slowly.

even though this issue had nothing to do with Avast, you guys were able to trouble shoot it. I appreciate it.

Now I just have to find a way to transfer my data from this old HD. Hopefully the drive is fine and it’s just a power issue.

Thanks again guys.

On behalf of all helpers…
You’re welcome…!! Hope you can recover your data…!!
Good luck! :slight_smile:

If the drive works ok once you’re booted into Windows, it might just be a BIOS setting. I would run a chkdsk on the drive to verify. If it is ok, then some things to try disabling in the BIOS would be Legacy USB storage detect or possibly USB mouse as pictured here. I’m glad that you found the source of the problems! :slight_smile:

I’m having the problem again, except now it doesn’t even make it to the boot screen. As soon as I turn my computer on, the motherboard beeps and a red light shows on the board. There are 6 lights lit up on the mobo, next to “Phase LED.” 4 are yellow, one orange, and the last red. I’m thinking this last light is not a good sign, but I don’t know what to make of it. I checked all of the wires and nothing is loose, so I don’t know what to do next.

I know this has nothing to do with Avast, but you guys were so helpful last time, maybe one of you has an idea.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Find out the manufacturer.
  2. Go to the homepage and search for the meaning of the lights/beeps. (Will help you troubleshooting)
  3. Replace corrupt hardware.
  4. Good luck.