Computer keeps restarting

Hello, I have had the following problem for a few days now : whenever I turn off my computer it restarts automatically thererafter. The only way I can turn it off is by pressing the switch off button manually (or by unplugging it). I wonder if this is due to my antivirus?

Avast did not signal any problem but a scan with Malwarebytes found 3 trojans, which I have suppressed.

Apologies in advance if I cannot provide much more information, but I am rather computer illiterate…

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this being a computer I use essentially for work, it is quite important for me to keep it functioning.

Thanks in advance.

This needs further analysis by a malware removal specialist:
Go to this topic for information on Logs to assist in cleaning malware.
Use the information about getting and using the tools and attach the logs here, not in the LOGS topic.

It could be a sticky button

Thank you for your reply Asyn. I will need to make some time to follow that procedure and will keep you updated on the matter.

@SHARKY : are you saying it in jest or is that a possibility? I wish the problem could be just that actually. I noticed that my computer is heating up a lot lately, so maybe the reason is merely mechanical?


go to and download a program called speccy install it, it will tell you the tempatures of motherboard cpu etc

Hi Lib,

First follow one path and make sure via guidance of a qualified remover that there are no software or malware problem causing this.
Yes it could also be that your computer needs cleansing. Dust can be a problem, and once in a while, say every half year I take my laptop to maintannance and they cleanse the heat sink for me. Dust can ruin computers, overheating can in the long run do damage and if your computer stops functioning it can be being switched off to actually prevent your graphical card go busted or other hardware to get damaged from overheating. In such a case the temp should be brought down, or the working of the fans should be checked. I use a program like Speedfan to check. But all this is an second option if there are no other causes found, like file corruption, mem problems, missing driver updates etc. etc. So take one step at a time,


Thanks adotd for your tip. I have downloaded the programme and indeed the CPU and the Motherboard’s temperature oscillates between 62 and 80+ degrees, which sounds pretty high (incidentally I find it fascinating that the temperature can be measured in this way :-p)

Thank you also polonus for your advice. I will check the programmes you mentioned but also bring it to maintainance regardless, because indeed I have never bothered to in almost three years that I’ve had this laptop, so by now it must be filled with dust.

First thing to check is that the fan on top of the CPU heatsink is still spinning. Fans do fail. Sometimes a good cleaning of the fan might get it spinning again. Also check the power connector from the fan and make sure it is plugged into a motherboard 3/4 pin fan connector or a power supply molex connector depending on the hardware setup per manufacturer specs.

Fans fail agreed or build up of dust on vents or inside will overheat computers forcing them to shut down But he say’s it reboots when he shuts down, it’s not re-booting when surfing the web etc is it?

& yes you can have a sticky button if it keeps depressed the Computer will reboot when you try to shut down.
I would also check for spyware.

The restart after shutdown can be due to dozens of reasons including malware. Just do a web search on the issue and you will receive multiple pages of responses.

Follow Asyn’s advice about posting logs for analysis by a malware specialist.