I have been getting fairly frequent messages “your computer was unable to start” and “startup repair is checking your computer…” when booting my computer. So far Vista (ser pack 2) is able to do a restore and start my computer, but I have no idea why this is happening. Have thought that maybe is related to Avast virus definition updates. And the last two times this has happened Avast has been disabled after startup and I had do reboot again to get it going.
Anybody with any info about this would be much appreciated!
You wouldn’t happen to have a Toshiba laptop would you?
In any case try turning your computer completely off, power down if a laptop or netbook. Then reboot holding down/tapping the F8 in some cases could be the F5 key. If you can get to a screen that says Restore Last Known Good Configuration click on that and follow the instructions. If you can then get to you desktop make sure that your Windows Vista SP2 is completely up to date.
If you can restore the Last Known Good Configuration you may to then update the avast! program to the current version and/or update the avast! virus definition file to get them current.
Thank you, Nesivos. My computer does an automatic restore (actually it asks me to ok a restore each time) back to last good configuration and then starts ok, just takes a LOT of time. It just keeps happening regularly every so often. And lately Avast is disabled when it does finally start, and I have to reboot again. I thought at one time it might actually be the Windows updates causing this problem (mine updates automatically). I’ve had to permanently remove at least one update a while back because there was a conflict. I have the paid version of Avast and it updates automatically, too, the virus definitions. I thought it automatically updates the program, too, but maybe not?
Just have no idea why I keep getting this problem every so often of “computer was unable to start” and having to a do another restore to a last known good configuration. And now avast disabled after start, too.
I am experiencing this problem as well. The program will not restart and the “fix it” button does nothing. Does anyone know why this is happening when my computer experiences the “unable to start” error? I am running Vista SP2. Thank you.
Restore is not the same as Restoring the last system image if you the computer creates one off of backup and is not the same as Restore Last Known Good Configuration. Three things all different.
Restore which restores the Registry
Restore System Image which is a more complete Restore than restoring the Registry and or user files etc
Restore Last Known Good Configuration which is the most thorough restore.
I am sorry I have never heard of a Windows computer doing automatic restores to the Last Known Good Configuration. Not that I am doubting what you wrote but please.
What is it saying on the screen when it starts its automatic restore?
What is the screen that you are looking at when it starts its automatic restore?
Is this happening before or after you log into Windows?
3a. If after you log when does it occur; i.e. when you are at the desktop?
What is the computer make and model and OS version?
There might be other reasons for the problem, and the fact that Avast was running might be just a coincidence. We don’t have enough info to be conclusive about it.
Are you using the battery only, or your system is connected to the power AC? Hardware is only 1 of many possibilities.
What I would suggest, so to confirm if Avast is currently related to the problem, is to completely unistall Avast. Do you have your registration file saved or backup-ed? If you do, then simply unistall Avast and shutdown completely your system (no standby nor hibernate, but power off).
If you can, leave the power cable connected but take out the battery (be aware of the consequences of this). Leave your system powered off until it cools down.
Now reboot; is your system working correctly? If it is, then Avast “may” be related. If it is still not working correctly, do whatever you need to do to make it work correctly. BTW, one reboot might not be enough to be sure it works or not.
In any case, if the problem is not consistent but only under some situation or “sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t”, then either some kind of update of some software is making problems, or a hardware problem is more likely.
To be clear, these are only possible suggestions. If you are not comfortable with hardware, or any of this seems “too strange” for you, then please don’t start with any of these steps by yourself. Better to seek help from some friend or relative.
I apologize for not replying to you all before. For some reason I did not get an email letting my know there were responses.
This problem is continuing, but as of yesterday Avast will no longer start at all after the problem is fixed.
To review–I am not using a laptop, but a pc. I have Vista SerPack 2. I have been getting messages when trying to start my computer not always, but every so often, that say “your computer was unable to start. Startup repair is attempting to repair (forget the rest of that line). Then: Do you want to restore your computer using system restore?”
I click yes and the computer goes through system restore and then it will start. But then I noticed about the time I posted my first post above that Avast was not working after the startup. However, at that time I could just reboot my computer and Avast would start.
Now, since yesterday, Avast will not start at all, I am also unable to start it manually. The Avast icon in my tray has an ‘X’ on it. When I click on it says it’s not running and to click to start the program but it will not start at all. I tried ‘update’ but it tells me ‘fail to update, Avast service is not running.’
I have suspected that my computer failing to start may have had something to do with conflicts in Avast but am not certain.
Now I need to know how to get Avast running again.
As I said, I cannot update through my program. Avast is not working on my computer at all.
DavidR, I get automatic updates of program and virus files with this paid version. If the new version came out very recently, I’m thinking that may be what caused my computer not to start, but I’m not sure about that still. When my computer was reset to a former restore point, it would have removed any recent updates of Avast.
I still need to know if I need to uninstall and reinstall and how to do that, how to get my license file or activation code, etc.
You could find your avast.licen file in Avast folder, or still in your email. Copy it to a backup folder.
Other than that, you should download the latest stable version of Avast from the official site (only) and the Clean Uninstall Utility from http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility.
Restart your system under Windows Safe Mode (tapping on F8 while booting) and run the uninstall utility (skip the “Add/Remove programs” step).
Reboot into Windows Normal mode, install the new Avast you just downloaded, and reboot again.
Once you know that Avast is working, add your license file from your backup, and reboot again to test it.
I went to Avast site and found a way to request my license file using my email address, it was sent to me right away through email. I used the regular uninstall procedure which worked fine, installed the license key and now Avast is working again as usual on my computer.
At least until the next time I get the recurring problem about my computer failing to start.
That seems to happen when there is an update of some kind, either Avast or maybe it’s Firefox updates.
Still a mystery!
Just hope it doesn’t continue to knock out Avast totally as it did this time. Would hate to have to reintall Avast every few days.
PS: ady4rum, it seems from your first line that you think I have just started using Avast?
I have used Avast for years and years, and my current paid version runs until December of this year. I did not have a copy of my license file saved anywhere that I know of. But it was really easy to have it sent, as I found out.
I can’t know in advance your knowledge level. No offense intended. Just trying to help.
Anyway, the uninstall utility under Safe mode and skipping the Add/remove programs should solve your installation problems (in most cases, but not all cases), since you already have several of them, and Avast service was already “off” (which is your first reason for updates problems).
BTW, to edit a post, you have “modify” on the upper-right part of the specific post.
I may not have mentioned, but I took a chance and did the uninstall/reinstall etc. on my own (without knowing what I was really doing) before I saw your other post about how to do that. Thanks for trying to help with that, though.
Thanks for letting me know how to modify my posts, and at the same time I found out how to quote a specific poster, so thanks for that, too.
At present, after getting Avast working again, at least temporarily, I am right back where I started with my original problem–whatever the conflicts are that happen every so often causing my computer not to start, and Avast to stop working again.
It’s odd because this problem has been going on for months now, only once in a while. In the beginning Avast was not affected at all. Then I noticed that after my computer did the restore that Avast would not be on, but I could reboot my computer and Avast would start again.
Now this time, Avast could not be started at all without the uninstall/reinstall. Things are getting worse. :-\
Or maybe I’ll get lucky and none of this will ever happen again, for some inexplicable reason.
I thought my problem had gone away after the uninstall/reinstall of Avast, came back here to check the date to see that it’s been almost month since the last time. It went through the whole going back to the last restore point thing. But at least this time Avast did not fail to start.
Again today, the only thing that had been changed on my computer was virus updates from Avast. But then,
Why you are going back to previous restore points? In my experience, users tend to “overuse” (abuse of) this feature, forgetting that there are some “cons” too, not only “pros”.
Please download the removal tool from http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility and run it directly under Windows Safe Mode, effectively skipping the “Add/Remove Programs”.
And if you find new problems with Avast, please come back to report them BEFORE going back to old restore points (which clearly are not solving Avast problems).
I came back to this thread mainly to see how long it had been since the last problem I had.
To be able to understand about going back to restore points you would have to read all my posts and not just the last one. I have no choice when my computer fails to start but to allow it to do what it asks to do to get my computer started or it won’t start at all. The only option it gives me is to go back to a restore point.