Computernames shown with a key


i tried to remote install avast on a new computers, but got an access denied error, now those computers have a lock/key icon on their name, and VPS version is shown as unknown. Can someone tell me that that means? Thanks.

ok i´ve uploaded a picture, so you can see what i mean.

The key indicate that you don’t have enought licenses for all yours machines.

Ok thanks.

Now i have a few other questions, first of all. i have 25 computers installed with avast! but only some of them Pc´s without avast has that lock. why?

More importent. Is it possible to buy a second 25 user license, and apply to the server? or something similar?


all your computers are shown…

if you have 25 licences… and 30 pc… so randomly 5 pc get the key icon.

i got the same problem…

i buyed more licence than i need actually and the problem was fixed.

the ticket i send to avast that i want a solution , because SOME PC dont need a avast, because they are SCO-UNIX machines, is pending, since 6 months…

and yes, you can buy more licenses., i got this in the past.