Since this weekend, I couldn’t receive any e-mail messages anymore. I didn’t have any time to look carefully at what went wrong. Now I have been looking more closely and came to this error:
Task ‘ - Receiving’ reported error (0x800CCC13) : ‘Cannot connect to the network. Verify your network connection or modem. The server responded: -ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:0, processes:OUTLOOK.EXE[1])’
However, I did not found any particular solution to this.
Apparently, by adding the MaxConnections=50 line in the avast4.ini file, the problem now seems to have passed.
It still makes me wonder where this change came from though. I haven’t installed any new software or changed any settings during the weekend. I’ll run a full system scan one of the following days, though I doubt that would have anything to do with it.
Could anyone tell me what and how I should test?
I’m wondering too as the error message usually shows what application is responsible for the excessive connections, but this only shows a total of 1 connection. Normally you will see an application grabbing all but 1 (default connections is 20), so this is somewhat strange and I don’t know if it might just have been a blip, or I would have expected to see the max connections exceeded again.
You could try setting it back to 20 and see if it happens again.
Haven’t had much time this week, but even when it was set to 50, I sometimes had the same message. Now I set the value back to 20 and will see what happens.
A news aggregator? I suppose you mean a client for reading newsservers/downloading from them. I do use B-news sometimes, but it was not open at the time. I almost never have it open, especially not when reading my mail.
Yes, some new readers use multiple connections to quickly get the news subscriptions you have (gather together/aggregate). As you say it wasn’t open. That is the problem, even when you increase the max connections whatever it happens to be just seems to use what ever the maximum is causing the error.
The tough one is seeing what is using the connections. You could try the TCP View tool, which reports on what is using connections, so it may be worthwhile firing that up when the eror rears its head and see if there is anything obvious.
I’m obviously hoping that it isn’t something malicious.
The Outlook/Exchange provider shouldn’t be enabled unless you have MS Outlook (not express) and if you have MS Outlook then technically you don’t need the Internet Mail provider.
By switching them off you don’t get the error message which often shows what application is responsible for the problem.
So the full text of the error can be helpful in finding the real problem.
I was using it also… I was a great fan of Spami… but I was having trouble restoring emails marked as spam (I’ve reported to Michael Kramer this), I was receiving very little spam (using GMail)… so I’ve disabled it. Some times, I’ve got the -ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded error also.