Confirmation window for sync does not appear

I have been trying to couple my laptop and Android phone in order to sync the passwords.
I understand that I have to ‘allow’ my mobile to connect in to the sync group, however the window with the ‘allow’ button never appears.

Please help.

Kind regards,

Please make sure the device you expect confirmation to be shown is authorized already. The synchronziation state is reported in Avast Passwords settings on all platforms. If device is authorized and you can’t see pending authorization device in the list, please hit Sync now button in settings. And check it again. If your device is not authorized and you don’t have any authorized device by hand, please follow this guide:

ok thanks. I managed to fix it.
But I would definitely recommend to make the procedure more straightforward/clear…
it was a hassle for no reason.


We are going to change the procedure in near future as we are aware of current state which is not good and overcomplicated.