I am interested in downloading Avast, and wonder if there might be any conflicts with my AVG AntiVirus program. Can they both be running at the same time (resident shields)?
Thank you.
I am interested in downloading Avast, and wonder if there might be any conflicts with my AVG AntiVirus program. Can they both be running at the same time (resident shields)?
Thank you.
No there is no chance they will work together. Golden rule is never ever try to run two resident antiviruses on the same machine in the same time… same goes for Firewalls too.
If you disable AVG’s resident protection, then you can have them both, but still, IMHO you will not be any better protected. Avast! is more than enough in this picture. If you want a good backup scanner, I would suggest BitDefender Freeware (non-resiident of course) or any other free online scanner (like for example Housecall).
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It is not advised to have two resident scanners, they will conflict when a virus is detected and they can lock out each others access to the file.
So no they shouldn’t just not be running at the same time but preferably not installed together as they will both be making changes to the registry also.
I left AVG over 18 months ago for avast and this is by far a better option, the most configurable flexible AV I have used and if has more functionality and protection not to mention program and VPS updates.
Our Technical (I am not allowed to post his real name and I removed it from this reply at his request) is running both of them on the same machine (disabled resident AVG protection) and he never ever had any problems… same goes for BitDefender. It’s here without any impact on avast! or it’s effectiveness. Of course as I mentioned earlier, no other antivirus with resident shield should be installed along with avast! on the same machine.
First (some years ago), I’ve used to use AVG mail scanner togheter with avast. Just before AVG 7 (free) release, I had no troubles. The other residents were disabled. After some problems, I just only use AVG without even installing the residents.
I did not configure it later, disabling it (I think AVG could be disable with easy, not like you’re saying David. Seems easier than avast to be disabled). So, I can’t find any issue with avast resident and AVG not-resident (not-installed).
It’s not for common users. No advantages on resident protection. So, I don’t recommend it. But, there is not a conflict after all.
In fact, I’ll go further, in some systems AVG resident + avast! resident works. It’s a rare combination of two antivirus runnning at the same time in the same computer. Again, it’s dangerous if something goes wrong ;D
Hope this help in anyway.