Hi to everybody! I have been using Avast 4 Home edition on my win98 pc since last july without any problem. Recently (during september) Avast updated automatically its engine and, from there on, I can’t use anymore my printer. Everytime I try to print a document I receive an error message telling there is some dll missing and that the spooler can’t work. I tried uninstalling my printer and even removing my LPT from control panel, without any result. By the way, the printer does work well, because it is able to print the trial page with no problem.
The only way to solve the problem is to uninstall Avast: after that my spooler functions correctly once again, but I have no antivirus anymore!
What printer is it, exactly?
What are the error messages, exactly? (some screenshots would come handy)
What version of drivers do you use? Have you tried downloading and installing the latest drivers?
Is this Win98 or Win98SE? English version?
What version of avast do you have? (build number + language)
Printer: Lexmark 1020
Error messages: I try to translate from Italian. First message: “Irreversible error: impossible to load dll of journal (newspaper?) file. You must reinstall the program (which?)” Second message: “ Error during spooling on ‘’ (no name inserted here!). Impossible to start spool manager”
Printer drivers: No, I didn’t try to install new drivers for my printer, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem of drivers. The printer controlling panel continues to function properly (e.g. it is possible to print the trial page).
Operating System: WIN98SE Italian Version
AVAST version: the last one (it seems to be it is the number 4… I try to re-download it just a couple of days ago).