In order to enter my ISP chat room I have to disable Avast. As soon as I am in the room I can enable it again and it works fine. I run 4 providers Internet Mail, Network, Standard & Web Shield. I have tried pausing them but that doesn’t work. Can anyone help me? I have XP sp2. I am new to Avast and computers so please explain simply. I am learning a lot on your forum. Thanks I hope this question is not a repeat. I checked search and found nothing.
try to dissable web shield and restart computer.
Which firewall do you use? Is WebShield allowed to connect?
I use ZA Free and avast web scanner is checked. Would it be a good idea to stop the web shield permanently?
No, it won’t.
Check this link
You should uninstall avast, boot, and while installing it again at the question avast! Web Shield compatibility dialogue - Install/Update Question - YES or NO you should click NO, because privacy features are not present in ZoneAlarm Free this will not turn off webshield transparent mode proxy.
I have slow dial up so it took me a while to d/l. I followed your instructions and clicked NO. When I got back online I tried the chat room and it still did’nt work. I still have to disable avast in order to get into the room and as soon as I am in I enabled it again and am able to use chat room. Am I in any danger for the few seconds it takes to get into the chat room? Also do I now have to re register with this new copy of avast and if so where do I go to do that? Thanks for your help.
Well configurated, avast!, chat rooms and XP should work without problem.
No, this is not a problem of registering.
Can you check the link again and see if you configurate well the firewall, proxy settings, etc.?
I went back and reread and changed the proxy number and unchecked the box and now it is working just fine. Thanks so much.
Tbird, I’m glad you did not give up.
Sometimes, avast! users (newbies) give up on configurating it just because the 1st tentative was wrong.
You can enjoy the powerful configuration hability of avast!
Oh, forum help too 8)
If you can, come back and help the others.