Congraluation ALWIL Software - Avast!

Congraluation for your 70 000 of registered members on your Support Forum.

We wish you continue your great effort and no to care of what others peoples say of negatif about you or something else.

We all love you and keep the great work for your version 5 of Avast!.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day ;D


I’m number 731… It makes me feel old ;D

17213 here, feel much younger than you. :slight_smile:

70000 is really impressive.


And 4371 here registered 07 May 2004 I had been using avast for a couple of months then ;D

Hi DavidR,

I registered September 03, 2004, 09:05:09 PM. If we wanted to see them all we should meet at Wembly’s or Duxford airport ( junction 10 of the M11 if I am rightly informed). Nice for a pick-nick…
Can that hold 70.000 avast fans?


I registered on the forum on Feb 14, 2004 after having used avast for one week.

My first post -

Sasha welcomed me to the best forum ever and he was absolutely correct!

I registered on November 1, 2008^^

When i found avast on…I felt that its somewhat special and unique!

And so it was!

Avast! loyal user foreva!^^


Where do you find your member number?

This is certainly one of the best forums I’ve found. Makes you want to try and live up to the good work that has been put in before.

24881 for you. :slight_smile:

Just point at your username.


Just a young punk.
Pointing at my username (or anybody’s username) with the mouse only brings up the text “view the profile of this member”.
Firefox, all scripts allowed (for now).

Have you looked in FF statusbar while pointing?



Tried with FF 3.0.11 and scripts off, works well here

You clever.

Yes; I know. ;D

  1. haha

It’s a pity that he is not more in these forums :cry:

So where is he?

BTW thanks for the info on how to get ur member number^^

Mine is 78431^^

Soooo young^^


As far I know, on Canada, but do not log on these forums anymore.

Date Registered March 13, 2006
Was using avast! for about a year before being on the forum
Where do i found out where i am on the who joined number list??? or what do i look to found my username 8)
I know i have spent Total time logged in: 29 days, 3 hours and 13 minutes.
No where near compared to Tech,Davidr and others ::slight_smile:

#10758, Date Registered: February 05, 2005, 11:08:41 AM Had just started using Avast.

@ polonus, If we’re going to have a picnic I’ll bring the potato salad ( If I can find some place that sells it in a 500 lbs container). That should feed 70,000 right?? ;D

July 27, 2008, 06:05:00 PM

I didnt find mine also :frowning: