Avast has suddenly started popping “Infection blocked!” Five on my desktop at any given time.
and identifying the subject as “Shipment delivery problem”
infection: JS-Decode-BZU[Trj]
from “FedEx SmartPost”
in “/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/MacOS/Mail”
This is quite bothersome. How do I solve the problem?
Delete that email message.
Seems like a logical answer - but there is no such email in my inbox, or folders, or trash, or either of my email incoming accounts (gmail or iCloud).
Spam folder.
I’m have the same problem.Someone can help???
I am getting the same. Very annoying :-[
Is this a false flag Avast team? As I’ve never had ANY of these mails it’s referring to?!
Hello, it is not false positive. One of your emails contains malicious attachment.
One example i found is email with subject “Notice to appear in Court”, but if you open attached archive and run the file inside, you will get infected by malware.
I have this problem too. I have checked all the relevant mailboxes and spam folders but cannot find these 8 mails that are reported every time Mail does a mail scan. I use Google Apps as my mail server and I checked on the Google Mail server and everywhere on my MacBook and I cannot find these messages anywhere. These mails seem to be “injected” into the mail stream every time Mail does a scan as they are definitely NOT on the Google mail server, where are they coming from? This has been going on for weeks now and it’s bl**dy annoying.
The messages must be on some mail server that is checked by some mail client. The mailshield
really checks only data in an IMAP/POP3 network connection. If you use only one Gmail account,
than try to use the WEB interface at www.gmail.com and search for the message there.
You may also try to find the mail file in the mailshield temp folder at /tmp/proxy-XXXXXX, when the
connection is active, which could give you more info about the origin of the message.
And like always, go through the system log file and search for any avast related log messages there, they
may also give you some hints.