Hiya the Avast team,
I am a computer tech/IT Consultant and for many years now I have recommended and installed the paid version of Avast on new builds, repairs or just when clients ask me to recommend an antivirus program be it for their business or home computers.
Disturbingly over the last 12 months or so Avast seems to be going the way Norton did (Lets face it Norton had the market years ago then went crazy trying to add every feature and scan it could and turned itself into “bloatware”, in a relatively short time technicians began to hate it, had to either uninstall or at the very least disable Norton to be able to repair/diagnose the computers with a notable amount of problems (both performance and program conflict) caused by Norton itself, most importantly they stopped recommending and installing it)
Businesses, and home users for that matter, especially in today’s economy cant justify or afford to replace computers every 3 yrs (how many are still running XP), so although its nice to have every bell and whistle there is, its (IMHO) far better to have a program that protects while still using the least amount of resources and time to monitor activities, so it doesn’t significantly affect performance.
So my request or at least something for you to think about is, fine have an antivirus program for the people with the latest and greatest computer but also don’t forget the loyal customers who don’t have the latest and greatest, provide a cut down? (maybe call it Avast Slim?) version that will not affect to an noticeable degree the performance of their existing computers.
Please take this as intended, as constructive criticism from us guys out there on the front line, nothing is worse than recommending and then installing Avast only to see the performance of the computers go through the floor.