contacting Avast is a major problem for me

I’m finding it extremely difficult to contact avast!
Within a few weeks of getting an avast product, (which did not help me in my situation - I had to employ the services of a computer guy to fix my computer) I thought I cancelled the subscription.
After coming back off holidays i found an email on the 17/12/15. I found it extremely difficult to contact Avast. Which I am still trying to do. I am old and not computer literate.
I found a landline so I stayed on the phone ( to an interstate phone number ) for 43minutes only to be told the 'Avast Customer and technical support" for payment could NOT help me.
I’m trying to obtain a refund. The product was recommended by my brother who told me it was suppose to be free anyway. The avast web site does not recognise my email or the password that was sent to me twice. Can anyone help?

Let’s see…

I notice several things.

I'm finding it extremely difficult to contact avast!
Submitting a ticket is not difficult at all.
Within a few weeks of getting an avast product, (which did not help me in my situation
What was the situation ? If it is/was about a infection, there is no tool in the world that can detect/remove/prevent every malware. There is no such thing as 100% detection/removal/prevention.
I had to employ the services of a computer guy to fix my computer
You could have explained the problem here and we sure would have tried to help you without any cost at all.
I thought I cancelled the subscription.
Did you purchase a license ? If so, for what exactly ?
I found a landline so I stayed on the phone ( to an interstate phone number ) for 43minutes only to be told the 'Avast Customer and technical support" for payment could NOT help me.
The phone number you called is likely from a third party company and not from avast. Next to that it is clearly stated on the avast website "If you have billing inquiry, please submit a ticket."
The product was recommended by my brother who told me it was suppose to be free anyway.
Yes, avast has free products but also paid ones as well as trial versions.

Hi yannaki, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You can submit a ticket for a refund here

Greetz, Red.

Eddy thanks for replying. It is difficult for me to contact Avast if YOUR system does not recognize my Email address or the pass word Avast sent me. I asked for another password and the same password turned up on my email. So how do I get a ticket your system won’t recognize me. My computer guy said it was not an infection and he carried out rectification to bring the computer back up to speed. Eddy your quick to punch holes in how I saw things from my prospective. I did not grow up with computers and find it difficult to deal with, however, I did learn respect, courtesy and understanding. I actually contacted Avast UK to get the Australian 1800 no which Avast do not advertise. Also there was no answer today. I would rather contact and speak to a person to discuss the issue which is to obtain a refund. If you cannot help me please refer me to someone who can, as i am wasting far too much time on this issue partly because of my ignorance and partly because it is difficult to get Customer Service, that is to get someone to listen to me not go off on a tangent. I would be happier to discuss the issue over the phone as i type with one finger and i feel the years slipping by. the product is Avast Internet Security.

thanks for your time


I’ll give it a go

Thanks Red

I’ve managed to submit a “ticket”/ Message without having to submit a password which was not recognized even though it was emailed to me by Avast.

Thanks Again Red.

Hi Yan :slight_smile:

Can you post your Ticked ID ?
Than I will put this forward.

Greetz, Red.

I’ve received a confirmation email from Avast customer care, but if it is a problem i can give you the ticket id. What will that achieve?
Yan :slight_smile:

Hi Yan :slight_smile:

If you post your Ticked ID, I can put it forward so they will pick it up sooner.
It is not necesarry, but because of what you posted I thought it was the least I could do :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

OK, My ticked number is #74762. I was very short and to the point.



Hi Yan :slight_smile:

I have put it forward.

Greetz, Red.

Thanks Red and Merry Christmas.

Yan :slight_smile:

It is difficult for me to contact Avast if YOUR system...
It is not my system.
Eddy your quick to punch holes in how I saw things from my prospective
I only pointed out some things and I did asked you several question in order to help you.

As you have seen now, it really isn’t difficult at all :wink:
Now that you have, have patience.
avast is trying to handle tickets within 10 business days.
Do not submit a new ticket or change the current one as that would put you back to the bottom of the waiting list.
It is a FiFo system.

I share your feelings. I have send a couple of requests to “Support” and hear nothing back from them.

It was worse a couple of weeks ago when I asked support for a product called “avast! for business”, they responded promptly but asked for the credit card’s CCV on an open message. I didn’t like and canceled the account.

Currently, due to the lack of support, I most likely will not renew my IS licenses. Yet I am happy with avast!, the program, so it’s a hard choice.

If you were using the free support telephone number. There is no free support for the free “avast! for business” product, that is why this 3rd party support wanted payment.

The Avast Internet Security is completely different as there is limited 3rd party support. In all honesty I would give them a wide berth and see assistance/help through the forums.