content api message {action: 'isOpened'}

These console.log messages started to appear in my Avast browser’s console and I’m not sure why:

content api message {action: ‘is_settings_open’} contentAPIs.js:1
content api message {action: ‘isOpened’} contentAPIs.js:1


window.avast_engagement_content_api || (window.avast_engagement_content_api = !0,
    console.log("content api message", e),
    "is_settings_open" == e.action && (document.querySelector(".BrowserSettings__overlay") ? t({
        is_settings_open: !0
    }) : t({
        is_settings_open: !1

Version 124.0.24900.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Actually I notice this on all my tabs for Avast Secure Browser, no matter what I’m doing

Screenshot of your tabs will help.

We can’t see what you see.


the messages you see in the console log are part of a new browser functionality and such messages should be removed in future release(s). Feel free to ignore them for now.

Thank you.
