Contratulations on Game Mode - turns on automatically, but not OFF automatically

Congratulations! Great new feature… but…

I already have a program which starts games and changes power options. I hadn’t included a feature to detect when the game had closed to change the power option back to its previous setting. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that avast! would do this for me…

…that was until I discovered that, with Game Mode enabled, avast! successfully detects the game starting (actually it detects a launch which is the exe which is run to log in to the game before the main game window is opened). However, when the game is closed, the Power Option remains set to High Performance so it’s useless.

I also run a voice chat program called Discord which, although running minimized, detects the game and includes features like in-game overlays to indicate the people joining the voice channel. Discord successfully detects when the game is closed and changes various settings including notification to others on the channel that you are no longer in the game. If they can do it, why can’t avast! !!!