Corrupted updated. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Whenever I load the virus updates it says “corrupted update please try again” any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

I’m also seeing this problem in Linux Mint 15, which is an Ubuntu distro. Glad to see I’m not the only one.

I’m no linux guru but I suspect this problem is related to some network/gateway settings in Ubuntu. If I download the virus definitions separately from and replace the definitions file in /home//.avast, Avast runs with the downloaded definitions. I’m not sure why the app won’t update…I’m not running the ubuntu firewall or any proxy server.

Same here! “corrupted update please try again”

Using PClinuxOS 4.10.4 KDE

I tried Updating and also get the error message. :frowning: :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Neuromancer70, I used your link to download .vbs; after reading the thread, and having run Avast and getting the “corrupted update please try again” error.

When I enter the /home/user/.avast/ directory I note a .vbs.‘new’, which is dated to the minute of firstly using GUI updating Avast.

So I compare the Manual download, and it is same size as the existing ‘’ – 8.3 MB.

I need as yet to get a checksum to compare the two, but suppose Avast4linux has updated, and it’s giving an error message wrongly. Obviously not what we want, but all that can be done at this point.

I’ll rename .vbs.‘new’ to .vbs, or just overwrite it with the downloaded .vbs.

If you anyone can generate a Checksum for the /home/user/.avast/, and compare to the file: would be interested to know if they’re the same.

Haven’t had my morning coffee yet folks. :wink:
This is something, “The Avast Team” have to grapple with most obviously, however I feel renaming ‘/home/user/.avast/’ to ‘400.vps’, after updating through the Avast GUI, or replacing it with the file here: , – will give the current database. ::slight_smile:

PCLinuxOS MiniMe 2013 KDE 4.10.4 – Linux 3.2.46-pclos1.pae.



OK !

1.) Manually using the avast GUI updated the.vbs.
2.) Looked in ’ /home/user/.avast/’ and saw a few seconds earlier (83.8 MB) had been created.

3.) Downloaded the.vbs linked to above.

Checksum for Avast.vbs using GUI (with “corrupted update please try again” error) is:

Checksum for linked ‘.vbs’ ( ) is:

4.) I know this is silly workaround, but if you’re desperate to Update, and scan with Avast4linuxworkstations, just download the.vbs, OR, manually invoke the download via avast GUI, and rename as explained above.

Confirmation that the two files are in fact the same, from another source, would be great ! :slight_smile:
[user@localhost .avast]$ md5sum /home/user/.avast/400.vps

Hoping this FUD can be fixed soon. Maybe just some problem from Avast Server, dunno ?



Its okay for a temporary workaround…better than not getting any updates at all. It is not convenient or acceptable as a permanent solution so, I look forward to a fix within a reasonable time frame.

I get the same checksum between and 400.vps from the download link, downloaded at 8am EST, June 25th

jdunn@jdunn-Notebook-PC ~/.avast $ md5sum
jdunn@jdunn-Notebook-PC ~/Downloads $ md5sum 400.vps
159e2224331b13dab6cabadbc47b95b4 400.vps

Thanks for your feedback Neuromancer70.

It’s a real pain to manually update in this way, and no one seems to ever respond from Avast.

In general I feel Windows users should be well ‘protected’ enough for me not to have to bother with scanning my Linux partitions, but it is a courtesy to not send infected Emails to Windows friends too.

Not sure how this will pan out really.

I feel soon I’ll have to let Windows users look out for themselves as Malware ravages the Web.

There’s never any Viruses on my machine anyway, and I’m talking five years of doing a monthly scan with Avast4Linux.

I receive infected Windows Emails, but it never does anything to my System, basically because it can’t. ;D ;D ;D

People are wasting their time with Windows, but the Market share of 90% of all online users holds them bound by compatibility issues in business, etc., to remain loyal to Microsoft Malware magnets.

Lets hope for a brighter future in this regard. :smiley:

Try the automatic update now. I just did and it worked. Whatever the problem was, I guess it was on the server end.

Thanks Neuromancer70,…

Yes I get a good update now:

2013-06-28 09:23:19 Updated virus database to version 130627-1, 27/06/13.

I guess we should be good to go. OK !! :wink:

PCLinuxOS MiniMe 2013 - KDE - 4.10.4 – Linux 3.2.46-pclos1.pae

Still waiting to find any kind of Windows Virus on my Systems, loving PCLinuxOS, it just works.

[b]A Big Heads Up to Texstar.[/b]

PCLinuxOS 64bit FullMonty Desktop – First Release

You can use a harmless test-virus to see how Avast reacts:
I had a real windows virus once or twice from ebooks I downloaded through bittorrent. The thing is, I share files between dual boot Win 7, Mint Linux and Win XP on a VM hosted by Mint. Of course, there’s the courtesy of not passing infected files to friends via email or thumbdrive, too. ;D