Here I go again with one little question
One very strange thing happened today with my cousin’s PC.
He decided to take his HDD to one his friend to download some files from his friend HDD, so far so good, but when he connected his HDD to his Friend 's PC, Windows didn’t started and a blue screen appeared saing that this HDD(my cousin’s HDD) has errors that may be caused by a virus and Windows refused to start. When my cousin returned home and turned on his PC he saw that the whole E: partition on his HDD was destroyed. What can cause this ?
My cousin PC has WinXP SP1, avast! home edition.His HDD is IDE and his friend HDD was SATA.
Could this be done by a virus?
Before judging, I’ll try some partition applications to see what happened.
Maybe just the Master Boot Record (MBR), maybe the FAT32 or NTFS trouble that a ‘scandisk’ will solve.
Maybe just jumpers that need to be switched to set the HDD Master or Slave…
I tried Partition Magic and the results were very strange: The extended partition was only 15GB and it has to be 65GB.Something has resized the partition without my knowledge. Very strange.
The file system is NTFS
Scandisk didn’t helped.
The jumpers are fine.
I do not think that it can be virus. Connect that “broken” disk to other PC. Use windows diskmanager and look if you have option to “Import” disk partition so do it. Click on grow place beside of patrition or partition, i not remember exact where it can. But this may work.
Well in first place I resized the extended partition to the original size and after that I remade the broken partition again.(formated it)
Of course all data on the broken partition were lost!!! (about 65GB of information)
And in the end I successfully restored some of the lost information (about 20-25%), it’s not a lot, but at least is something