Could you add "MSI Center" to Avast whitelisting?

Could you add “MSI Center” to Avast whitelisting? My Colleagues have sent the request to Avast but still exist the issue when I install the Avast recently.
What kind of data that I need to provide for adding MSI Center into Avast whitelisting?
MSI Center is working fine if I don’t install Avast. It has Motherboard information display is incomplete and function can’t working.
I have feedback the problem to MSI company that they have already sent the request form for whitelisting to Avast last year (2024).
Hope your feedback and contact
Thank you

This is a guess but it’s a pretty good bet that this is a blocked driver. Under Troubleshooting there is an option to block vulnerable drivers. It can be a security risk but you can uncheck that and see if the app now works properly.

Can you post a screenshot of the Avast pop-up (including Details part) when this occurs.

Please check the attached file that It choose red mark to unblock driver? I can’t choose the driver when I click "add components "

If it had occurred the pop up but the prompt not from Avast. The message is from MSI Center when I add relevant programs.

  1. Normal status if I don’t install the Avast (attached:Normal MSI.png)
  2. The information is incomplete contents after I install Avast (default setting). (attached:missing.png)
  3. It had occurred prompt and MSI Center not working after I add allowed apps in Avast (Prompt.png)
    Thank you.

Seems not just Avast but also Defender blocking MSI Center.
Maybe this will help:

Windows Defender is also exist before I install Avast.
Windows Defender and then install MSI Center after that install Avast.
The issue occurred it~
If I uninstall Avast that issue will be fixed it.
How can I setting the rule in Avast or you can enforce MSI Center in whitelisting?

I said to uncheck “block vulnerable drivers” and see if that fixes the problem.

That has nothing to do with adding components.

It still can’t work after uncheck “block vulnerable drivers”

OK. Then the issue must be something else.

For Asus motherboard software and for instance Fan Control software this fix works.

You did reboot after unchecking?

Yes. Reboot always working.
But this issue has occurred after shutdown. It is a strange situation.

Are there any other settings I can try?

You could try adding the executable(s) of MSI Center to the list of exceptions in Avast.

You need to figure out at what stage of launching the program it gets blocked.