Had avast for a number of months, and had no problems been very pleased with the product to date also.
on sunday night, everything was fine and as usual i shut down my computer and went to bed, when i re booted the next morning it took at least 5mins for windows to load up which is a completely random.
and i have mother board monitor 5 and it kept saying to me CPU load 100, and never dropped. task manager says to me ashserv.exe is taking 97-100 of CPU load. i thought it was doing a scan so i left it, went to uni came home that night to find it still at 100% and ashserv still using 97-100 of CPU.
I terminated the process and my comp became un responsive, i.e. couldn’t load up anything, clicking icons wouldn’t work nor would shortcut keys.
Restarted the comp and same thing happen CPU at 100% load time at least 5 mins. everything else is a crawl, took me 20mins to open outlook and send a email.
only solution Ive found is to disable the standard shield provider, but this defeats purpose of having AV.
i was wondering if any guys out here could share some light on this problem??
I had this problem once where MS Antispy was running up an enormous log of errors and Avast! took forever to scan it.
Check resident protection(see pic) next time it happens and see what scanned count is at and last scanned. This should point you at where the problem is.
good luck
Lonestar, which firewall do you use? any other security program loading at startup?
Are you using avast! Home or Pro (Trial version)? Did you schedule any on-demmand scanning to run in background?
Maybe if you post a list of your resident programs we can guess what is crashing…
Welcome to avast! forums.
hey thanks for the welcome, im using kerio personal firewall, with a billion 7100S router, with avast home (not trial version)
did not schedule any on demand scanning ( didn’t no you could do that)
as said before in previous post ms anti spyware error logs are causing it…i think
Do you get trouble on the startup? I mean, Kerio and/or avast at logon?
You can’t with Home version…
For the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning):
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…
For the other providers (on-demmand scanning):
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon, click Program Settings.
Go to Exclusions tab and click on Add button…
I dont recall why MS Antispy did this . Had it on 2 systems and it only affected one which I later removed it from so I cant help you with a fix.
You will have to fix it though as from memory it adds about 6 mb per day so if you ignore it it will get huge.
good luck
I’m having the same problem. I don’t see any files being scanned that are titled MS Antispy, what is the specific name of the file that I should be looking for? My system seems to hang when it scans \errors.log and |monitor.log .
@ X
hi and welcome, do you also have MS Anti spyware program?
if yes look into that and find out if there is a error log
if no double click on A ball in taskbar and see on standard sheild what file is being scanned as per directions in post 2.
Don’t you have the Standard Shield sensitivity set to High?
If so, then avast scans all files on write which can be very time-consuming.
Unless you have a specific reason to configure avast so, I recommend using the “Normal” level.
@ X
hi and welcome, do you also have MS Anti spyware program?
if yes look into that and find out if there is a error log
if no double click on A ball in taskbar and see on standard sheild what file is being scanned as per directions in post 2.
This may sound kinda stupid but I don’t “think” I have MS Anti Spyware. Or let me put it this way, if I do I was not previously aware of it. I checked in my Systems/ Add Remove programs and I did not see anything with that name. How would I know if I did? Is it something that downloads with the regular MS updates?
And I DID have my shield set to High and have since lowered it’s sensitivity to Normal level per the instructions.
Hi , no i dont think you would have installed this program and not been aware so you should have nothing to be concerned with.
Most problems will be detected with normal setting on standard sheild.
post back if there is anything unusual or you dont understand.
good luck