Hi, maybe there is someone out there who has got some idea how to solve my multiple problems:
avast working in the background has identified an RBOT-D [Trj] Virus in c:\system volume information. Now here are the problems:
A file scan does not confirm the virus, since file scan only displays not hidden folders. Is there an option to also file scan hidden folders?
A boot scan confirms the virus and offers 10 choices. Unfortunately, the computer stops and does not accept any enty from the keyboard (I am running Windows XP SP1 German). Is this a known bug?
avast cannot scan “c:\system volume information” since it is write protected.
What do you mean with turn off System Restore. Is this an avast option?
No, Right click the ‘My computer’ icon and choose Properties.
Go to ‘System Recovery’.
Disable it and click aply.
Enable again if you want.
This will empty that folder.
Is this a problem
Yes, due to a USB keyboard limitation, the drivers for it correct working won’t be loaded at that time and so, you don’t have a keyboard at that time…
Can you change it to a PS2 or Serial one? After you can change back to the USB keyboard