crazy beepinng

two times when i turned on my computer now my computer was completly turn off when i did this pushed the button to the computer on now even a second later a beep bah beep bah on n on it wouldnt stop until i shut the computer down by handpushung the button in durning this there was no pictureon screen any idea computer works fine after i shutdown for a little while internert every thing fine it happen both 2 times

It seems to me that your computer is not posting correctly which means something is amiss during startup and it is most likely hardware related but I can not be sure.

is there any think i should try to do to pinpoint the problem

This may depend on if these are short beeps or not. 2 short beeps usually indicates a memory problem. Have you recently installed new memory modules or otherwise removed and replaced the same memory modules?

Since you had no picture on the monitor, you might have a parity error in your first 64K of memory. First check your memory modules. Reseat them and reboot. If this doesn’t do it, one or more of the memory chips may be bad. You can try switching the first and second banks memory chips. First banks are the memory banks that your CPU finds its first 64K of base memory in. You’ll need to consult your motherboard manual to see which bank is first since this is not always left to right as you might think they would be.

well my comp is RIP spare parts are left it was the mulitboard that burned out thats what the tech said it was a 5 year old comp tech said finding a mulitboard is going to be a task but im just going to let it rest in peace but what i do wanna know is the mulitboard consider the motherboard and whats the lifespan of a mutilboard or motherboard can also can the computer have burned out cause i had it hooked to a 42 inch lcd tv maybe too much POWER the tv had a vga outlet does it matter if the computer is up to date bought out of the store today or five years old when i hook it to the tv