I finaly found the “new thread” button
All elements, avast logs, os details and action done was reported into avast Ticket: 73482
This function never worked and since I have AVAST pro installed on windows 7 pro.
I use avast pro since several years and I never could create a rescue CD (iso image)
The problem is the same with the latest avast 11.1.2245
( note: this version is worst as previous one because it hung my windows when going out of windows sleep - Now I disabled the “performance” option to check if this could be the culprit )
Have a look to the ticket if possible and you see this function ( create rescue CD doesn’t work )
Avast support (David Podracky) got a support package from me and suggested to install :
and install both parts, “Deployement Tools” and “Windows Preinstallation Environment (Wndows PE)”
He wrote and confirmed that without these packages, creating avast rescue CD will not work.
So, I did all step as suggested but I always have the same error ( see screen shots I provided to the support )
The given packages are installed, avast was removed and re-installed but this function doesn’t work
See the only message I always have ( CD iso image )
Note1: installed security tools - Avast and default windows defender
Note2: support package send as multizip