Creating rescue CD (iso image ) never works under any AVAST version


I finaly found the “new thread” button

All elements, avast logs, os details and action done was reported into avast Ticket: 73482
This function never worked and since I have AVAST pro installed on windows 7 pro.
I use avast pro since several years and I never could create a rescue CD (iso image)
The problem is the same with the latest avast 11.1.2245

( note: this version is worst as previous one because it hung my windows when going out of windows sleep - Now I disabled the “performance” option to check if this could be the culprit )

Have a look to the ticket if possible and you see this function ( create rescue CD doesn’t work )

Avast support (David Podracky) got a support package from me and suggested to install :
and install both parts, “Deployement Tools” and “Windows Preinstallation Environment (Wndows PE)”

He wrote and confirmed that without these packages, creating avast rescue CD will not work.

So, I did all step as suggested but I always have the same error ( see screen shots I provided to the support )
The given packages are installed, avast was removed and re-installed but this function doesn’t work

See the only message I always have ( CD iso image )

Note1: installed security tools - Avast and default windows defender
Note2: support package send as multizip


Ialready checked all information from the provided link as well the link telling how to do but none helped me to create the rescue CD…

Why is Avast no providing all files required to create a rescue CD ?
Why was it me resquested to install Windows 8.1 kit and PE while I’m under windows 7 ?
Despite these package are installed, the rescur disc is not create as I wrote it under the first post.

It is not working.

What I meant in Reply #1 is, please post in the relevant section. :wink:


Thanks :wink: