Credit Alert?

Looked but unable to locate. Where did they hide this new feature? ???
Downloaded the entire installation pkg and wasn’t there. ???

Settings maintenance

Aahhh! :slight_smile:

This feature is only in paid versions?
Will be this availible for more countries?

It’s offered as a service afaik.

I think yes. At least for the ones which have such service to be associated with avast.

  1. No.
  2. Not now. No idea what will happen later.
    Many things can be done in the US, which would be plainly illegal here… :wink:

thanks now I understand that It’s free and only in US. But still can’t understand what it is

so If I understand right, It protecting your credit card from thiefs?

No, it’s got nothing to do with credit cards, at least not directly.
It’s basically a protection against (or rather a detection of) identity thefts - which may result in your credit score (which is a special thingy they have in US) changing.

I found this
and this :slight_smile:

edit…also please see reply #7