Hello dear Avast team.
i am facing this problem since September avast update. suddenly avast keep stop working but in avast notification,there are shown that avast is working perfectly,
If this is the same problem that you have multiple posts about, you are ignoring previous advice from avast that there is a problem with your system.
So did you click to see the antispyware programs (plural) ?
If you have multiple antispyware programs that could cause a conflict. This could also mean that avast is in passive mode.
Unfortunately your second image obscures the avast tray icon.
here is my all proven screenshot
i dont have another antivirus program
Here is All Proven now i have given to Avast team to fix Avast antivirus
Have you opened the Action Centre to check what is there as I suggested in my first reply ?
As that would appear to be a Windows message, I can’t remember ever seeing this flag icon with the X over it, certainly not in windows10.
i am using windows 7. in flag icon i see many times automatically avast keep turn off. i saw in flaf icon
OK, but have you actually checked the windows Action Center, to see if there is any other options in there, I keep asking but you don’t answer !
People stop replying if you don’t answer questions.
If there are no other options in the Action Center, like Windows Defender enabled. Then try an Avast Repair or clean reinstall.
As I haven’t used win7 in many years I have forgotten most of the settings, etc.
yea i chacked action center there is no another notification there is only avast notification is keeps turn off.
and windows defender surely turn off.mainly problem is in avast
i repaired and reinstalled avast many times
Sorry, I’m out of ideas.
yea …you are out of ideas about my problem, thats why i need avast expert team help…Are they hearing me?and about this problem?>
They are here periodically, currently r@vast is the only one I can see.
doesnt avast team helps me about this problem?