I thought I would share this experience of how I finally rid my computer of the Win32/Expiro-U since I could not find one online.
I came home one day to find a kitten sleeping on my keyboard and the dreaded antivirus 2011 popup, I searched for free anti virus software because my AVG was not picking up anything. I downloaded AVAST, which promptly detected the Expiro/32 and automatically moved all the infected files to the vault. Unfortunately they were my system files and my computer would no longer boot. I have an acer so I tried to use the erecovery feature but it would not work. I thought I could repair my windows installation, but this computer did not come with a xp home disk. I started looking around and found a xp pro disk that came with an HP laptop I had, so I stuck that one in and installed a second OS, so I could get some files on my second partition that had sentimental value. I deleted the first OS xp home and lived happily with the xp pro for about a week. Then Expiro came back, I was nervous to install AVAST again because it killed my computer before so I tried the AVG Win32 remover which did not detect, kaspersky did not detect, several microsoft win32 removers did not detect, AVIRA detected but could not repair, Microsoft Security Essentials detect but could not repair, MBAM did not detect, Spyware doctor did not detect, so I download AVAST again and moved the infected files to the chest inserted the xp disk in and repaired my existing xp pro through windows setup so it can be cured you just need an OS disk and product key