Ok, I have gone from extremely angry to desperately trying to understand. I am not trying to argue or start a fight but …
Why are paying Avast! customers buying professional lic. and server lic. … given the same attention and customer service as someone who has downloaded a free home version??
To me that makes no sense.
To this day I cant get cust service to help me … whether I mark EMERGENCY! or non.
My previous support tickets are gone … including the one where tech told me he would handle my refund and forward to sales (coincidence???)
I suspect more people feel this way than Sr members / Evangelists / Moderators care to admit.
Avast! AV could be very well be one of the best … but with no true tech support or customer service it is still sub-par, and possibly a little shady.
I was about to switch to Avast for my server and my home PC’s (4), and the lack of service (being able to answer simple questions, at that) is the number one reason why I went with another product for my home PCs. I still have a bit of time on my server renewal to find something that works well with it. I have gone from being an Avast! supporter, to being a detractor. (By the way, if you check the benchmarks for regular PCs, there are other softwares out there in the same price range that blow Avast! away at detection and performance, do your homework before you pay). If you are using the free version? Well, it is the best free version out there (although the free version does not integrate firewalls, so let the buyer beware!) The fact that the family pack is no longer available is reason #2.
good bye zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…madmonk ;D was a pleasure to meet you : (I’m always wondering when someone posts something like that how long he’s staying logged in expecting reactions >>> the shorter the better >>> good bye zeeeeeeeeeeee )
Logos: So what are you trying to accomplish by saying this?? I think Zmadmonk was being polite and just stating his opinion. Is that not allowed here? Or is it only if you have something wonderful to say about Avast!
I welcome a reply to my post.
Mike I think I’m in agreement with you. sometimes those who were most appreciative of a product are outraged that their views are not share.
I’m in a minor dispute with a service tech who responds to my question regarding version 5 being slow with repeated advice to adjust my firewall, specifically upgrade to the avast. A visit to http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge/results.php convinced me Petr was not going to be of any help.
Avast has a large reseller/distributor network as well. I know we get calls from users all the time and try to help as best we can (even if they didn’t purchase through us). If you contact a local reseller, I’m sure they can help answer any questions you may have.
Thanks for your reply, I think it’s very curious that Avast! themselves have nothing to say about this matter but hey, I’ve already begged for help so I cant be choosey about it too.
Basically my ADNM will not re-install on my Win Server2003 Server, I had to uninstall it bec it was not recognizing all of my workstations. I really have tried all the usual suspects …Avast uninstall tool, and a couple of other suggestions for this forum I cannot install off of CD or download.
Thats very kind of you and if you will post your phone number and a good time to call you I would appreciate your assistance.
Sure… our contact information is on our website (www.quecentric.com). Feel free to shoot me a PM with any more specific details of errors and/or system info and I can try to help you.