Customize Avast

I know you can customize Avast when installing , but i do not see a option to remove autosandbox , i dont need it.

I dont need siteblocking either , it makes Avast bigger so it takes more RAM.

And if i disable autosandbox , what else wont work ?

Will everything work just fine if i disable autosandbox ?

If it did use more ram it would be so little you wouldn’t even notice it but the auto sandbox cannot be removed but you can choose to not use it by unticking the box and site blocking should already be unticked by default.

Im not sure if any other features rely on auto sandbox.

AutoSandbox is basically an integral part of the FileSystem Shield, so it cannot be removed.
But you can disable it if you feel you don’t need it, no other features depend on that.

Ok , so for comfirmation , if i disable autosandbox , every other part of Avast will still work 100% ?

Thats what igor said.