Customizing New Tab Page

[size=18pt]Before I uninstall this browser I need to know is it possible to change what you see when you click “New Tab” without havening to change code in developer options?
Customization is minimal and I don’t care to see any political statements, propaganda and links to websites other then my favorites or bookmarks
Its sad that regular google chrome “New Tab” page has more personalization then Avast, I’m very close to giving up on chrome all together
[/size] >:(

You mean the “Maybe you would like to learn more about one of these?” page.
That is not your browser, it is related to your IP-provider sending you that from Alberta.
Are you also being FLoC-ed? Did you try out firefox as an alternative?

I guess it has nothing to do with the browser. Google Chrome in Europe is free from such autocratic ad-peddling,
at least for the time being.


[color=black][b][font=comic sans ms][size=12pt]Thanks for the info and thanks for sharing my IP Avast forum without asking me.
I’m pretty sure it’s not just a sponsored add from my woke government but also Avast’s doing. Sponsored content is turned, still getting it. Location ask before accessing is off, still getting exposed. Yes I’m probably getting FLoC’d and Avast didn’t do anything about that either. Turn’s out im just going to have to uninstall Avast Chrome.
I’m really enjoying Brave browser, for the last few months and it feels a lot more secure and user friendly.
Since I don’t really care about my current IP getting out ill keep the post up if anyone else has some safe browsing tips >:(

Unless you
re using a VPN, our IP is no secret.

If you are talking about the IP in your post ?
Only you and Moderators can see that, other forum users can’t.

David is right here.

Greetz, Red.