I recently installed two games and I’m getting the “d3dx9_30.dll is missing” error whem I try to run them. I searched my HDD for the d3dx9_30.dll file and it’s really non existant on my drives. I run dxdiag.exe and tested everything - everything is perfectly fine there. I have DirectX v9.0c - so should I have that dll file on my HDD or not?
So what did your google search turn up ?
Seems there is a whole site for it, http://www.d3dx930dll.com/
google search
if you download it, remeber to test it at Virustotal first…
Hi Bellzemos,
Scan that link at finjan as well: http://www.finjan.com/Content.aspx?id=574
I got “The requested URL was analyzed and found legitimate” for http://www.d3dx930dll.com/
Do you kind people have d3dx9_30.dll file on your hard drives? If you make a search through your drives, can you find it? And which DirectX version do you have - 9.0c, like me? I doubt that I need a special app/tool to restore a supposedly missing DirectX file, it just sounds strange. If you have a file called d3dx9_30.dll on your HDD, please tell me where or maybe upload it here if that’s possible/allowed (and if you have the same version of DirectX as me - v9.0c). And thank you for your help so far!
No I don’t, but it isn’t a standard file it will only be there if you have an application that can make use of it Then that game/application I would have though would have checked for its presence and installed it if required.
The games that you are trying to use obviously have a need of it or it wouldn’t go looking for it (resulting in the error).
I have directX 10 support on my XP Pro SP3 system.
Hi Bellzemos,
You can get the latest safe download from here at MS: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=4B1F5D0C-5E44-4864-93CD-464EF59DA050&displaylang=en
Please check your language to Slovenian then…
I don’t have this file… (running 9.0c, like you)
But I’m not playing any games, so not sure if it should be there or not…
OK, thank you all for help!
You’re welcome, more importantly have you resolved your problem now ?
No problem…!
But as David stated, any feedback appreciated…!
I play a lot of games and I don’t have that file on my system either. From the name it looks like it’s an extension of the normal Direct X 9. It might be part of the package that gives some of DX 10’s capabilities to DX 9 for XP systems.
Well, I downloaded the file from MS site (the one that Polonus suggested), opened the cab file which contained the d3dx9_30.dll file and copied the dll to my system32 folder. Now the game works, but maybe I should have installed the whole DirectX package over my 9.0c version. Well, it seems that it’s all working fine, so thank you again!
And why don’t you simply update that DirectX install ? It is ALWAYS recommended to keep your DirectX updated if you are gaming.
The link that Polonus gave you is some old old version.
Download the latest one here and run the installer, it will update your DirectX install to the newest build.
And to anyone else reading this thread that IS NOT RUNNING windows xp(running Vista or 7) and is therefore looking for a way to update their “DX11” this installer works on ALL Windows version and yes the name says directx9.0c but it is a universal installer for all versions.
EDIT: MS LINK: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=3B170B25-ABAB-4BC3-AE91-50CEB6D8FA8D
How to download and install DirectX:
Or a direct page to the web installer: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en