Daily updates Avast Mobile Security

We’re 4-2-2016, and my Avast tells met the virus definitions are still from 160331-02.
Is this normal?
Or is there a problem with the servers? Would not be the first time…

It can be there where no updates.
Updates aren’t released on a fix time scale.

Same here, Karel2.

It seems to be ok… :wink:

It does not seem to be ok, at least not on my six android devices. They still give the date I mentioned:160331-02. Even after a refresh.
And it is now 4-3-2016.
This gives me a feeling of insecurity…

I agree that Avast does not seem to be updating Avast Mobile Security. Mine has also not been updated since March 31st. Yet, my home PC has virus definitions updated through today, April 4.

You can’t compare Android devices with PC’s.
Look at how many new malware there is each year for PC’s and for Android devices.
There is a huge amount of difference.

Today is April 5, but as far as I can see on [b]https://www.avast.com/en-au/virus-update-history[/b], the updates information stops on March 31. That’s the first time in all those years that I am an Avast fan that I see this. Just scroll down that page and you will see for yourself.
The six androids in my neighbouhood display the same definition date: 160331-02. The same is true on a friend’s Galaxy S5 in Thailand. And as I have just read, the same story on @wris’s.
So it’s not just a weird phenomenon on my devices. The problem is at Avast’s side. I wrote them a message, but so far no reply…
A similar story happened more than a year ago. In my humble opinion it had to do with failing servers. I raised the matter in the forum, but no-one believed me. I wrote a message to Avast themselves. They suggested all sorts of help, which, of course, did not help a tiny bit. Sorry if that sounds rude, is not my intention, but facts are facts. So again I asked them to go and have a look at the servers. Now guess what the final answer was…
So this time as well, I think there is a problem with the servers. I can be wrong, of course. But it would be nice to see an answer that tells us clearly how things are.
For those who do not know where to go and verify their final update: take your device, Avast, Settings → Updates, and refresh. May I kindly ask you jot your findings down on this page, so that we all know? Thanks in advance.

Received this reply from Avast this afternoon:

“Thank you for contacting Avast and please accept my apology for the longer response time. The version 160331-02 is really the latest version currently available. We did some upgrades on our side that caused this “break” in distribution of virus definitions updates. Everything should work again soon. We apologize for these inconveniences.”

At least we now know what caused “the problems”.

Karel2. Thank you for posting that information for everyone. It is reassuring to know that it is not a default with our mobile phones, but it is concerning that our phones are not current with the latest threats. Hopefully, they will rectify that soon.

Android updates should be flowing again since yesterday. Please check that it works and sorry again for the inconvenience. Thanks, Ondra.