Data base updates

Is there anyway to know what a virus data base update included? I noticed today there were actually 2 updates (now on 0538-5). Would this be due to another virus(s) definition added or… to correct a false postive? Anyway of knowing?


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say but if you want find out what new virus signature files have been included in the updates, go here :):

Click here

VPS update are issued as required and in periods of high virus activity there can be multiple updates in a day, I think the highest was 5 in one day. Yes if there has been a false positive notification it would have to be corrected and this would usually be included in the next update, I’m not certain if a VPS update would be solely for correction of a false positive.

If you have had a false positive and excluded the file you should periodically check scan it and if it passes you can remove the exclusion.

Thanks for the info. Thanks for the link too. That’s what I was looking for. :slight_smile: