Dealeated neccesary (infected) file

Hi users,

I deleated an infected file (ejqi.exe) and now I don’t have acces to msn, outlook nor any file with the extension .exe anymore. Can’t read cd-roms, too.

How can I get the file back on my hd? Don’t know what to try anymore.

Download the avast! Virus Cleaner, rename it e.g. to and run it. It should repair correupted associations (if the .COM association is OK, of course; if not, you can try other extensions - bat, pif, cmd, …).

Zoe, I tried a Google search and do not found anything relevant with the file ejqi.exe. Maybe a deep search but I do not think I’ll get anything usefull.
Try Igor’s suggestion ;D
If you could not do it, can you gently post again?
Sorry for not helping you tomorrow night :wink:


Yippieee, it worked!!! Thank you all a lot for helping me…you are all great…

Igor, the virus cleaner was the hint with made me smile again…thank you very much!

Happy Zoe

Wellcome to forums.
Come back frequently and try to help the others :wink: