debugging log

Hi folks,

I suffer from a funny problem, precise at midnight my computer awakes from hibernating. The reason for that I’m searching for and my first asumption was that the virus scanner tries to update. For this reason I played around with some options. Because I found no hint in event viewer.

  • I activated the debbuging protokol option, but found no hint where and what it is logging.
  • To test this option I activated the smtp test mail. The funny thing I recieve no mail, but also I found no hint what the reason is. I expected this in a debugging log.

Do I totally missunderstand the debugging log?
And how to analyse the smtp mail problem?
Does the virus scanner awake my computer?

thanks for some help

Welcome to the forum, herb-hier.daheim :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, you have not been answered but maybe someone will offer help soon.

I can only answer this: No.

Hi Gerd,

I agree with Asyn, this is not caused by Avast.

Make sure you have nothing in Windows Task Scheduler that would wake your system.

You might try searching your system for “.” (without quotation marks). Then, sort the results by time modified. Look for any file that changed from 11:59 PM to 12:01 AM. This should give you a clue which program is waking your system.