I need HELP for this
How can i Decrypt this files?
We have identified "Dharma (.cezar Family)". This ransomware is not decryptable!
Identified by:
ransomnote_email: admin@sectex.net
sample_extension: .id-.[].bot
Click here for more information about Dharma (.cezar Family).
November 12, 2019, 9:48pm
November 12, 2019, 9:53pm
Next to what Pondus proposed, here some more info and download link…
Dharma Decryptor download link can be found in here:
Download link: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/rakhnidecryptor-ransomware-decryptor/dl/348/
For avast free ransomeware decryptors go read here: https://blog.avast.com/avast-releases-four-free-ransomware-decryptors
(decryptor credits go to avast’s Ladislav Zezula and Piotr Szczepanski)
November 13, 2019, 8:33am
No backups…!? If so, you can only wait and hope for a future decryptor…
i want to find and destroy, who made it.
Do you still have the file that started this?
Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do for you. Backups were your best bet. There have been rare instances were attackers have been reached and recovery keys stolen based off HWIDs (Which - I will note is illegal.) You can either hope someone finds/creates a decryptor, or restart from scratch.
Sorry Mate.