I have several program I run regularly that DeepScreen keeps rescanning every time they are run despite them being flagged as safe and being entered in the DeepScreen exclusion list. Every time the programs are run DeepScreen analyzes the file and adds another identical entry in its exclusion list which it then seems to ignore the next time the program is run. Even if I manually enter the program path into the exclusion list DeepScreen ignores it and the exclusion list ends up with multiple entries with the same path.
This is extremely frustrating & time consuming and I have to resort to disabling Avast shields temporarily just to run these programs or wait for DeepScreen to complete it’s thing before the program is useable. I know I can disable DeepScreen which I have also tried but it seems to be a useful feature if it would work as intended. Any suggestions?
It doesn’t work… it’s been broken since 2014 was first introduced last year.
What program is causing this? It’s known for some to do this, because they drop a new file on every execution. LockNote is one of such programs, because it drops a temp file and the content is always different so even if you exclude it, it will scan it again because the hash changed.
It happens with the NoteSync app from notesync.com as well as ChunkViewer.exe to name two.
I have however resolved my issue by working around it i.e. I enabled Hardened mode and set it to Aggressive. After doing this, the first time I ran NoteSync I got a pop-up allowing me to set an exclusion but since then it runs fine with no pop-ups and no annoying DeepScreen scans. The Hardened mode seems to bypass DeepScreen altogether. I got the idea from DavidR’s post
Note: If I remember rightly, it was RejZoR that put us in the picture about using Hardened Mode, Aggressive ;D
Just a warning currently (avast 2015 10.0.2023 RC2 version) Hardened Mode exclusions aren’t working either - clicking the Add to exclusions… doesn’t add it to the exclusions. Manually adding it doesn’t work, the path is entered, but the next time you come in the entry isn’t there.
Exclusions have been broken for a long time. Some work, some don’t. TCPview, ProcessEplorer don’t
and the lack of IGNORE button is really troubling, as is the future mandatory inclusion of grimefighter.
In addition, there’s a little program I run regularly and it changes every single time because I change what’s in it. I keep filename the same, add to exclusions all over the place and deepscreen not only scans it, but refuses to run it. Annoying.
They plan on adding mandatory grimefighter?
I was wrong. Sorry. Grimefighter is not mandatory - see post#42
Awesome…I just do a Custom Install and only use the basic Shields.