Hello. Can any1 know how to disable “default scan” for ANY scan? I do not need/want any scan to be marked as default.
Thanx in advance for any help.
Well one of the scans has to be the default scan, but you don’t have to run it. The default scan only runs when you initiate it, e.g. by clicking the Scan tile in the avastUI Home screen. Otherwise the default scan doesn’t run automatically, you have to initiate it.
I don’t use this Scan tile, but open the avastUI > Security section > Antivirus > Scan Now and select whatever scan you want to run, or schedule that scan (scan settings) to run at a time of your convenience.
Thanx for your reply. I wonder why is that function there, if I cannot disable it? Why I need to have default scan? “Do not use it” is not answer. I heard that before, when I complaining about another “bug” which is in Avast for years! It looks like another flaw in design, but nobody is explaining about this nonsense.Thanx anyway.
Because it is linked to the Scan tile in the avastUI Home screen, something has to initially be set to the default, otherwise it would do nothing if a user clicks that Scan tile and wonder why it is broken.
Thanks for the answer. It may have solved the instability of my Custom Scanning! If started with the Scan “button” several Settings ended up being changed, while the scan began, at a time not scheduled before.
It took me months to find the source of the problem, which I had not seen in versions prior to 8.
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What? I see no other reply!
No idea why you saw that notice, it is usually fairly accurate and I don’t see any post having been removed. So a hiccup in the forum software more likely.
DavidR, thanx for you effort. You described what happen when I push “Scan” button on UI. You did not explain reason why should I have to have “default” scan? In a different situation I’m using a different scan. There is no reason to decide which of them will be “default”.
Sorry but I believe I did just that.
Because of this link to be able to run the default scan, one of the scans must be the default scan.
This link should open windows with all available scans. There is no need to open that window with “default” scan already running. Simple option to disable default scan will take a care of it. That’s what I’m talking about. There is no need for preselected default scan at all.
Or instead of clicking scan, click security and all options are there for you to see
Sorry but I don’t agree with your logic, that tile has a big SCAN and when you hovers over it, it expands to say ‘Start’ a virus scan of your computer and that is what is expected. Because there are multiple pre-defined scans something has to be the default.
Don’t like it, then set the one you want to run as the default, problem over. Or do as essexboy suggests and I do click the Security option (on the Home page) and then Antivirus and then the scan you want to run. This however, is many more clicks to do what you want run a scan.
You have many options, chose what way you want to do it as I’m done.
It was just “my 2 cents”. Can I post my toughs, or do people here don’t want to hear nothing but how excellent this software is? Sorry, but criticism should help other people be better in what they are doing. Well…