Definitions outdated, hangs searching

I keep getting warnings that my definitions are outdated.
But when I set it to update, it seems to keep on searching. It does not stop for at least 10 minutes. My patients did not go any further.

I am running Win 10 64 bit and use the standard Windows firewall. It could be that, but it does not appear to be user friendly. (Big surprise!) I thus do not have any idea, if there is something specific for Avast. Normal browsing work fine.

Problem solved!
Only I have not a clue what dit it!

I started up a repair went on forever saying nothing and apparently did nothing (no resources in use)

While it was at it, I guess, I rebooted with LAN cable disabled (NO WiFi!)
It did take a while to get shut down. And Windows did seem to have some preparing to do during upstart.

Let Avast search for an updated definition, and it returned! (Saying nothing, like Microsoft, hm?)

Connected the LAN cable again and ran another def. update → success!

Thanks for the update. :slight_smile: