Delay on Google Chrome warm start.

The last months, I have noticed that when using Avast on my two computers (PC & laptop), Google Chrome does not open almost instantly (warm start not cold, no extensions activated). Even with Kaspersky the time needed for Chrome windows to open is shorter. With windows defender or eset for example, Chrome launches almost instantly.
I think Avast has become heavy even if you only keep the 3 basic shields while installing.
I am very sad for it as Avast has protected me for many many years till now and this started happening some months ago, after some kind of update I suppose.

I had a similar problem in Windows 7 with my browser. Not sure if it was avast issue, or something to do with hardware acceleration being enabled, but in any event browser launches much faster on Windows XP.

I cannot think of anything else given that with other AV’s Chrome is ok. I refer to Windows 8.1 systems.

Only one reply? Come on guys, I don’t think I am the only one here who has this problem… ;D

I am Nikos751 who started the topic but I changed account due to the known hacking-related problems.

The problem continues to exist despite the latest avast updates.
I did every possible thing to see what’s going on. It happens in every PC I 've seen, any setup I 've seen, and this is not good for users as even Kaspersky does not cause any slowndown like Avast does.
What I did yesterday in Windows 8 setup.
Ι left Avast installed but I:

Disabled Avast self defense.
Killed avast executables running in task manager.
Disabled avast service via services.msc
Disabled Avast entry in msconfig.
Disabled avast in startup tab in task manager.
The delay was again there!

I also tried Chrome Canary and only with that version things were better but not as it is with another light AV with Stable Chrome.

I also want to notice that I believe there is a general slowdown of the system with Avast, it’s not sth browser-only related.

So I guess sth goes wrong with the driver or sth else that’s running when Avast proccesses do not run.
I am sure this happens to every Avast user.
There is no response all those months, and I would be glad to hear something official about this.

No answer, no help, so
NO Avast from now on on my computers.