delete all Windows temp files?

I’m a relatively new Windows user (on an old computer running Windows ME), and Avast seems to have just rescued me from a Trojan. (Many, many thanks!)

From the scans I am concerned about the number of Windows temporary internet files on my system. If they are indeed supposed to be just temporary, can I just delete everyinternet/temp folder?

Its can be good some time to delete the temp/cache. If you got Windows Vista they can clear you internet temp automatic by do a disk cleanup. And Windows/Temp you can delete this. Because its Temp so its has nothing to do with the Windows System. Dont worry i also do it too.

Edit : If you guy got better definition of Temp you can reply into down for explain to him why its not necessary.


CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool.

If you use Windows XP i can suggest what pondus said.

Other wise Windows Vista has its own Disk Cleanup.


Yeah sorry i did not really read correctly his post.



A customized winapp2.ini is needed to show additional applications to be detected and cleaned:

Thanks to all who replied, especially Pondus with his weblink to CCleaner.

I ran it, and it removed 570.1 mb of clutter, of which 509 were in Internet Explorer’s temporary internet files. (I got this computer from an older lady who used it extensively to browse grocery contests, recipe sites, all sorts of consumer promotion places, and even a couple of mild gambling dens. An unbelievable array of names like “soapcontest.gif” flashed by as CClearer went through the temporary net sites.)

Anyway, the help on here was truly awesome.

But the visit would have been worth it if only for YoKenny’s icon and motto. Someday I’ll steal them.

Thanks again.

Something else that will help clean Internet Explorer’s temporary internet files:

Go to control panel, click on internet options, click on the advanced tab, scroll down to security, put a check in the box next to " empty temporary internet files when browser is closed"

Something else that will help clean Internet Explorer's temporary internet files:

Go to control panel, click on internet options, click on the advanced tab, scroll down to security, put a check in the box next to " empty temporary internet files when browser is closed"

isn`t that one of the things ccleaner is doing?

Yes, But this does it automatically when the browser is closed.


I find that CCleaner removes more dross that IE leaves behind plus unwanted cookies and dead registry entries.

I still have my WinME CD that used to run on my dear departed PIII and when I found I could not resurect it I saved up for a Visa capable sytem that now runs Windows 7.