How should I delete avast skins, which I no longer using?
How should I delete avast skins, which I no longer using?
They are in the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\Skin folder and have an .asws file type, the self-defence module would have to be disabled to allow for deletion.
You need to exercise care in what you delete and you can’t delete the default skins (3 of them) or avast would just replace them.
Personally the space they take up on your hard disk is very small so I feel you won’t gain much by doing this.
Delete the corresponding files of the skin folder.
But don’t worry that much, avast 5 will be released soon and won’t be skinable anymore. All skins will be dropped.
Oops, David was faster.
Hello thanks guys!
however I’m unable to delete any file there, if I try I get “Access Denied”.
Here is a screen shot
ver 5 don’t use skin? OMG! means one have to use that boring media player like skin?
EDIT : ahh! somehow missed “Self-def module settings” , will try again. :o
ver 5 don't use skin? OMG! means one have to use that boring media player like skin?V5 does not look like a media player http://blog.avast.com/2009/07/20/avast-5-is-coming-soon/
and the media player is a skin. How to disable avast! anti-virus’s default skin
Finally I’m able to delete unwanted skins, by disabling “self protection” and then log in as a admin.
Thanks. ;D
Now that looks pretty cool (v5) … ;D
Also thanks for the other link. :thumbs up:
You’re welcome.