Delete the log file

How can I delete or empty the log file?

You can set the log file size and can set if the info should be replaced or appended into each Shield advanced settings.
To manually do housekeeping (deleting), you need to disable the avast self defense module (in the Troubleshooting tab of settings) before.

Thank you for the reply but I can not find any of the settings to which you refer in this Mac OS X free beta.

Oh, my fault… I’ve thought I were on Windows board. Sorry.

So in the absence of any better advice I uninstalled and reinstalled avast which did the trick, a bit extreme but worked.

Assuming you speak about the scan reports, there is a planned feature to auto-delete the old ones, and also manual delete of them from GUI.

For now, you can delete them manually in Finder. They live in ~/Library/Application Support/Avast/ScanLogs.


I hope there will be an option to switch off the auto-delete feature? (or is this already implemented with the Unlimited count for scan reports?)

Do the logs in this location include real-time scanning information?

Unlimited count for scan reports affects on-demand scans only (i.e. those initiated by the main GUI app). A recent history of issues found by background shields can be found in the main GUI app. → page of the particular shield → history.
