Avast! has deleted all video files that I’ve received by-email, when i download it by Outlook Express (v. 6). What should I do to fix and/or avoid it?
Waldir Luiz
Avast! has deleted all video files that I’ve received by-email, when i download it by Outlook Express (v. 6). What should I do to fix and/or avoid it?
Waldir Luiz
Well, that depends on your settings. Check out this threads:
OK, but this is quite strange, because just the video files are deleted. And I tried to scan a video and re-send to my other e-mail count, but Avast! deleted it again.
Can you post the screenshot of the avast! message?
What extensions are those video files?
If you are sure that those files are not containing the virus than you can set avast not to delete them. Or you can adjust avast not to delete the infected messages.
There is not Avast! messages. Simply the e-mail doesn’t allow me to open the attachment. The extensions are *.mpg and *.wmv, but I think that for other files will be the same. Could you tell me how to set Avast! not to delete some file extension?
avast doesn’t delete files without user intervention, you have to authorise it or have changed your settings to automatically delete (pro version) or move to chest infected emails. Even if you elected to delete the file, it would first have to be detected as infected, avast doesn’t block, so I don’t believe this is related to avast.
Check the security settings of your OE program it may stop you saving files that could be harmful.
Perhaps those video files were infected? ???
As David said, unless you have Avast Pro (which you have not told us), those files will not be deleted without some intervention by the user.
Also, as Zagor indicates, avast will give you a message that you need to acknowledge before other action is taken. You say there is not avast messages.
Please, calm down a little, give us more information, and I feel that all of us together can solve your problem of … The Disappearing Videos.
Hi! First of all, tks everybody for answers. My Avast! isn’t Pro version.
Before Avast!, I had Norton and it never happened to video files, but to every image files. Now, Avast! allows me to access image files, but not video files.
I’ll try the OE configuration, as David R suggested.
Tks again.
By the way, Waldir Luiz … Welcome to the forums!
If, after you try the OE settings you still have problems, please come back and post again.
Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.
It is possible that after a cumulative security update for OE your security settings were adjusted. Many file types are excluded (.exe, etc. ones that can be executed) from being saved because their file type could possibly get infected. This is a totally over the top action by OE and one that is so easily circumvented to make it worthless, so for me it is disabled.